I Hope the Boogyman Gets You

My Photo
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Hi! Ok so here's the short version of "This is my Life": Grew up in Moodus, Ct... middle of nowhere with cats, dogs, and horses. I escaped and went to college in Georgia and majored in art. Got dragged back to Connecticut. Escaped again and landed in Atlanta. Don't know how long that will last. I'm still trying to find the place I will live in. I have a sister back in CT, a mother in college and a father elsewhere. I blame my Grandmother for my Art addiction. I learned it from watching her! I love to doodle and paint~ oils mostly~ and I can't think of anything more relaxing then working in the dark room with my headphones wrapping my ears in sweet music. I love to go see the scary movies with friends or sit at home buried in a book. I tend to be shy and quiet till I know you then my dry sense of humor and playful sides come out. For now I'm just going strong single while my friends hook up. I'm looking forward to more adventures in the future and one day hope to actually make money doing something I love OR just sell some painting or photograph of mine for lots o money!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Stupid people must be shipped to some isolated island to torment us no more!! I feel this sums up my feelings today:

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Better Late then Never

OK Here is a quick post of me dressed up for Dragon*Con. Also sorry about the blur on them. And Yes that is the shirt I was up till 5 in the morning making including sizing and looping the chain on the arms.

These were all in the Marta station on the way home so we were pretty exhausted. More pictures to follow.
Also I'm so HAPPY I got the Crow: Stairway to Heaven series on DVD so I can watch Mr Yummy pre Iron Chef America! MMMMMMMM Mark Dacascos!!!!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sooooo Tired

OK this is just a quick one. After staying up till 5 this morning to finish my costume I have had a blast so far at Dragon*Con. Just got home in fact. And from one table in the Marriott I won a $75 gift card just for rolling a pair of 8 sided dice! And that wasn't the big prize.

So now it's off to bed so I can be there by ten tomorrow to see Sherri speak!

Friday, September 01, 2006

It's HERE!

ok so now I only have to make it through another 8 hours and I will be FREE!!! I'm going straight home and finish up my costume which I was up till 3:30 working on last night. Go me operating on 3 hours of sleep and the excitement of Dragon*Con... Heck I'm even working on stuff for my Costume right now here at work. Must have pants worthy of the shirt I've made. Here's hoping it stays slow so I can get stuff accomplished. Can't let stupid customers and my job interfear with Dragon*Con! Ok well if that was 100% true I would have called in sick but I need to get paid for my holiday. Damn "The MAN"!!!!!!!! Coffee I need more COFFEE!!!!

I am so going to crash at some point tonight. Probably when I settle down to watch the Buffy Horror Picture Show at 11:30pm. Good thing I'll have my roommates with me to nudge me if I start drooling or snoring :) I'm going to have to remember to pick up a Red Bull or a Monster.

Kathy's Mom should arrive late tonight... I have to wonder if she is ready for what she will experience. I somehow doubt it.

I promise pictures will follow as soon as they are taken... and I figure out how to post them :)

I hope everyone has has much fun this Labor Day weekend as I plan on having. Long weekends Rock!! See you at the Con!